大平サライ Ohira Sarai

Kamurogi and Kamuromi were the names of the first two Japanese Gods to arise in the ancient past. They were male and female, yin and yang, fire and water, body and mind. These wonderful Gods existed at a time when the world still lacked nothing, still with all her balance intact. For me the words Kamurogi Kamuromi act like a magic spell in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life.
When I feel what cannot be touched or remember what is true, I chant this spell. Then it is as if a mirror appears and in it I hear whispering from a bend in time. Kamurogi Kamuromi. When I come upon scenes of duality I try to frame them through symmetry. This feels different to me from ideas about whether something is an illusion, is spiritual or of this world or not. On reflection these feelings can never be enfolded in words from the very start. What is it that we see? What is it that we perhaps do not see?
I walk with my camera today as if it were still the past chanting as always Kamurogi Kamuromi. In a world that has lost its balance may yin and yang regain it. This is my prayer as I take these photographs. May all of you who encounter these images of mine in Kamurogi Kamuromi re-discover that balance we all seek from within.

1961年 香川県生まれ。
Sarai Ohira
Born in Kagawa in 1961, Sarai Ohira studied interior design at Machida Hiroko Interior Coordinator Academy, Fukuoka, and earned a diploma in 1995. After studying garden designing and city planning at University of Washington, Seattle, and conducting extensive fieldwork, she was urged by the Machida Academy to establish a garden planning course and to teach interior design, where she served for five years.
From 1997, and from 2000 when she opened the store “bio garden,” Ohira has been both a garden designer, and also the vice president of KOYOH CO., LTD., which carries eco-biological products for improving water quality.
◾ 個 展
2019 カムロギカムロミ+令和、天理日独文化工房、ケルン
2017 カムロギカムロミ、日本クラブ、ニューヨーク
2016 カムロギ カムロミ、九州芸文館、福岡
2016 カムロギ カムロミ、オリンパスギャラリー、大阪
2015 カムロギ カムロミ、オリンパスギャラリー、東京
2015 カムロギ カムロミ、天理日独文化工房、ケルン
2011 The Beauty & Hope of Japan、台北西華ホテル、台湾
◾ グループ展
2016 9人展「刻」天理日独文化工房、ケルン
2015 2人展「第三回台湾日本国際交流写真展」台中市港区芸術中心、台中・台湾
2014 2人展「第二回台湾日本国際交流写真展」台中市陽明市政大楼芸文中庭展覧区、台中・台湾
2013 2人展「第一回台湾日本国際交流写真展」Moment Café Gallery、台中・台湾
2011 5人展「BLACK」天理日仏文化協会、パリ
2011 2人展「祈りの写真二人展」響都ホール、京都
2011 2人展「祈りの写真二人展」目黒パーシモンホール、東京
◾ Solo Exhibitions
2019 KAMUROGI×KAMUROMI+REIWA Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt Cologne
2017 KAMUROGI×KAMUROMI The Nippon Club, New York
2016 KAMUROGI x KAMUROMI, Kyushu Geibun Kan Museum, Fukuoka
2016 KAMUROGI x KAMUROMI, OLYMPUS Gallery Osaka, Osaka
2015 KAMUROGI x KAMUROMI, OLYMPUS Gallery Tokyo, Tokyo
2015 KAMUROGI x KAMUROMI, Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt, Cologne
2011 The Beauty & Hope of Japan, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei
◾ Group Exhibitions
2016 KOKU (time), Tenri Japanisch-Deutsche Kulturwerkstatt, Cologne
2015 The 3rd Taiwan Japan International Photography Exhibition, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung
2014 The 2nd Taiwan Japan International Photography Exhibition, Taichung City Govt. Yangming Bldg, Taichung
2013 The 1st Taiwan Japan International Photography Exhibition, Moment Café Gallery, Taichung
2011 BLACK, Association Culturelle Franco-Japonaise de TENRI, Paris
2011 Photography of Prayer, Ryukoku University Symphony Metropolitan Hall Alumni Hall, Kyoto
2011 Photography of Prayer, Meguro Persimmon Hall, Tokyo